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Varna Kuta in Ashtakuta Method of Match Making


Varna Kuta

Varna Kuta in Kundali Matching

Significance of Varna Compatibility

Varna Kuta compatibility assures that the bride would be obedient to her husband. If the couple has the same Varna then there would be lack of mutual love and comfort in marriage life. Superior Varna of the girl is not recommended.

Varna Detail

Varna Kuta is equivalent to traditional cast system. In astrology Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are the four Varnas in the order of superiority. In this order Brahmin is the highest cast while Shudra is the lowest cast.

If Varna of the boy is superior or equal to that of the girl then one point is given. If Varna of the boy is lower then no point is given.

Varna Calculation

Persons having Janma Rashi as

  • Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Brahmins
  • Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are Kshatriyas
  • Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are Vaishyas
  • Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are Shudras

Varna Chakra

Last Resort / Others

If the Varna of the boy is lower, but in case his Janma Rashi lords' Varna is superior, then it qualifies for the matching. Match of Janma Rashi lords should be used as the last resort. In this opinion,

  • Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins
  • Mars and Sun are Kshatriyas
  • Moon is Vaishyas
  • Mercury and Saturn are Shudras
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